Massachusetts Legal Developments Blog

Understanding Vehicular Manslaughter Charges

It is critical to exercise the utmost caution while driving a vehicle. Despite this, each year numerous people are killed due to drivers who operate vehicles in an excessively dangerous manner. Driving a vehicle in a negligent or reckless way can result in serious charges that can significantly disrupt a person’s life.

Individuals who are facing these charges often find it critical to obtain the assistance of a skilled criminal defense attorney who can make sure that they have a strong legal defense. It is also critical to understand that not all vehicular homicide cases are the same, and the charges a person faces will be influenced by what type of offense a person commits.

Misdemeanor Vehicular Homicide

While people are used to associating the word “misdemeanor” with less serious crimes, a cnonviction for misdemeanor for vehicular homicide in Massachusetts can still result in significant penalties.

A person who is convicted of misdemeanor vehicular homicide can end up facing a minimum of 30 days in jail as well as a potential $3,000 in fines and a 15-year loss of license. For this reason, individuals who face even misdemeanor charges associated with vehicular manslaughter should not hesitate to obtain the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Vehicular Homicide Involving Alcohol or Drugs

A person who kills another individual while driving under the influence of alcohol can end up facing vehicular homicide charges.

If a motorist was intoxicated and driving recklessly at the time that a person was killed, that motorist can end up facing felony charges that result in jail time, steep fines, and a minimum license suspension of 15 years.

Because convictions associated with this offense require the prosecution to establish that a person was traveling above the legal limit, a skilled criminal defense attorney is often able to help attack these charges in a number of ways.

Vehicular Manslaughter

Some individuals who kill others while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can also end up facing a charge of vehicular manslaughter. This charge is similar to vehicular homicide but involves alcohol or drugs and results in more severe penalties.

A person who is convicted of vehicular manslaughter can end up facing a maximum of 20 years in prison and fines of up to $25,000. Given the serious nature of these charges, people who are charged with vehicular manslaughter should not hesitate to obtain the assistance of a seasoned criminal defense lawyer.

Speak with an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer

Killing another person with your vehicle can not only be traumatic, it can result in some particularly severe consequences. As a result, if you or a loved one has been charged with vehicular homicide, it is a wise idea to contact an experienced criminal attorney Edward Molari. Contact attorney Molari today to schedule a free case evaluation.